
Jalma L Marcus

From an early age, I was 5, I saw simpler ways to create more efficient processes and successful outcomes and have been quick to lead through example. My first successful leadership role occurred one summer at the beach as the neighborhood kids were getting together to start a sea glass business. No one could figure out what to do. But we wanted to sell sea glass to the tourists. I watched and then turned to the kid sitting next to me and asked- Do you know the good places to find them. And he said no . I do I said. Ill show you where. 

I have always started with the end in mind, found innovative and creative ways to achieve those ends and provide fun on the journey. Relationship is the foundational value I use to cocreate engagement and a sense of contribution for individuals teams and departments. Diversity of perspective is important and my willingness to ask questions opens many avenues that only collaboration can achieve.

I am a seasoned advanced practice entrepreneur, Board Certified Holistic Nurse, organizational development consultant and executive leadership coach and mentor. I have been the first to create innovative projects and co create simple approaches that achieve high performance results. 

I am presently completing a book based on my eclectic experience in health care, business, and community, both profit and nonprofit. With individuals teams and executive leaders. The focus of which is in leading and managing organizational systems through a holistic perspective , values based framework for people processes structures and relationship alignment. The ultimate GOAL IS BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY OF ALL ITS PARTS AND THE WHOLE SYSTEM

Throughout my career I have held staff and leadership positions in , teaching, research, executive, administrative and consultant positions in healthcare, Pharmaceuticals retail, education, research in profit and non profit organizations. I have published many articles, designed, and taught courses developed values-based performance evaluations, and a predictive tool for assessing the degree of system be it individual, family, team, department or organizations and beyond. alignment and where to address change.

In addition, I have designed and conducted retreats in the areas of Holistic Leadership, organizational development, Board development, strategic planning, mission, vision, values and Holistic I have been a Board member of many community organizations and have had the honor of being elected to two terms on the American Holistic Nurses Association Board of Directors and then as an Advisor to the president and the Board. I was also instrumental in the development of the Board’s position papers on Planetary Health and Racial Equality. I chaired the Education, Holistic Nursing Practice, and the Health Advocacy Committees. I was a founding Board member for a Community Cooperative project to develop a coop food market where I was asked to facilitate the design for the leadership and management of the Coop Board and market structure and operational processes which was utilized as part of a grant application to fund the actual purchase of and building construction renovation.

I have an entrepreneurial history of creating, designing and bringing to fruition many start up business opportunities for myself and others. I presently an on the Board of advisors for a healthcare for profit company Board advisor,

I have extensive experience as: the founder and marketing principal of an architectural and Interior design, woman owned firm in Philadelphia; the owner and principal of a two-store retail and wholesale  business for over 10 years; and an advertising executive for a graphics design firm. I believe I would bring added value through my experience, passion, and actual user knowledge in managing through inaugural endeavors to ensure successful ongoing sustainability..

My talent and skill in being clear, authentic, and compassionate has served me well by listening and serving others for everyone’s benefit. It would be a privilege to share my eclectic experience and wisdom to support you in making your business ideas real.